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Art, history and music: Jason Honea

I’m a father of two and a long time school teacher that discovered guiding in 2010 and never looked back. As well as a guide and teacher, I’m an active artist and performer since 1980 beginning as a young punk in the California music wars up to the present, all culminating in what I do currently namely oblique story telling over tiny music and sound performance. I offer street art and graffiti tours, Kreuzberg punk rock tours as well as Berlin city historical walks and WW2/ Cold War wandering adventures. I have been guiding over fourteen years. Tour languages: English and German

Jason's tours

Córdoba Eco-Experience – San Marcos Sierras $2330

Emprende un viaje para descubrir el corazón de San Marcos Sierras a través de su naturaleza, antiguos orígenes y prácticas regenerativas. Nuestro turismo holístico te invita a sumergirte en la esencia de este histórico pueblo de montaña, conectando profundamente con su espíritu, cultura y una experiencia eco-transformadora.

Córdoba Eco-Experience – San Marcos Sierras

Embark on a journey to discover the heart of San Marcos Sierras through its nature, ancient origins, and regenerative practices. Our holistic tourism invites you to immerse yourself in the essence of this historic mountain village, connecting deeply with its spirit, culture, and a transformative Eco-Experience.

Córdoba Eco-Experience – La Cumbre $2330

🌄Explora la esencia de Argentina en nuestro paquete único de eco-experiencias de Córdoba, donde te sumergirás en el corazón del país a través de su gente, historia y paisajes naturales impresionantes. Nuestra experiencia eco-turística holística va más allá de la aventura tradicional, ofreciéndote una conexión profunda con el alma de Argentina, adentrándote en la tranquilidad de sus montañas, descubriendo la fascinante historia de sus pueblos indígenas y abrazando la vibrante cultura regenerativa de los argentinos. ✨

Córdoba Eco-Experience – La Cumbre

🌄 Explore the essence of Argentina in our Córdoba´s unique eco-experience, where you’ll delve into the heart of the country through its people, history, and breathtaking natural landscapes. Our holistic tourism goes beyond traditional adventure, offering you a profound connection with Argentina’s soul, into the tranquility of its mountains, uncovering the fascinating history of its indigenous peoples, and embracing the vibrant regenerative culture of the Argentineans. . ✨

Laughing Spree Comedy 14.99

Got trouble at work? Your team spirit not up? Just can’t get the corporate culture to align with your vision board?! Don’t waste your money on consultants and SAP products, bring your whole team to this hilarious crowd work Comedy Show in English. We will give the best worst advice you will ever hear and solve all your problems at work, with your colleagues and at home on top, cause we are that competent – but always with a twinkle in our eyes.

Creemos tu propia Eco-Experiencia
  • Elige tu propia aventura

Descubra el corazón de Argentina a través de su gente, su historia y su belleza natural. Nuestra experiencia de turismo holístico está diseñada para ofrecer mucho más que aventura. Explore y conozca Argentina conectando con la naturaleza, la fuerza de sus montañas y mares, la poderosa historia de los pueblos originarios y la rica cultura moderna de los argentinos.

Argentina Holística $2840

Embárquese en un viaje transformador a través de Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Córdoba e Iguazú. Descubra las joyas culturales de Buenos Aires, explore los paisajes salvajes de la Patagonia en Ushuaia, sumérjase en la naturaleza y las raíces indígenas de la Córdoba oculta y déjese encantar por las impresionantes Cataratas del Iguazú y la selva.

¡Viaje con nosotros!

Argentina’s Natural Essence $2330

Embark on a transformative journey through Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Calafate, and Iguazú. Discover Buenos Aires’ cultural gems, explore Ushuaia’s wild Patagonian landscapes, marvel at Calafate’s Glacier, and be enchanted by the awe-inspiring Iguazu Falls and jungle. Immerse in eco-sustainability, cultural immersion, and Argentina’s diverse beauty. 


Travel with us!

Holistic Argentina $2840

Embark on a transformative journey through Argentina. Discover Buenos Aires‘ cultural gems, explore Ushuaia’s wild patagonic landscapes, delve into Córdoba’s nature and indigenous roots, and be enchanted by the awe-inspiring Iguazu Falls and jungle. Immerse in eco-sustainability, cultural immersion, and Argentina’s diverse beauty. 

Travel with us!

Malditos Bastardos Tour de Berlín – Free tour

Este Free Tour de Berlín es muy diferente del habitual y politicamente correcto que conoces. Piense lo contrario, como el Free Tour politicamente incorrecto de Berlín. Asi que tengalo en cuenta a la hora de hacer este paseo con nosotros. Estará lleno de malas palabras, chistes de mal gusto y por supuesto, historia! No se permiten palomitas de maiz!!! Disfrutalo

Let’s create your Eco-Experience
  • Choose your own adventure

Discover the heart of Argentina through its people, history and natural beauty. Our holistic tourism experience is designed to offer much more than adventure. Explore and get to know Argentina connecting with nature, the power of its mountains and seas, the powerful history of the native peoples and the rich modern culture of the Argentinians.

Never Again – Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Embark on a journey through history with our comprehensive “Never Again” tour at the Sachsenhausen Memorial, beginning in the city of Oranienburg. As we step into the past, we unravel the roots of Hitler’s ascent to power, the strategic selection of this location for the camp, and the chilling history of concentration camps. Discover how the city endured wartime bombings, leaving the camp untouched.

What tour takers said about Jason