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Never Again – Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

A powerful and informative tour. Also available in French 🇫🇷

Quick Details

***Please book to guarantee a spot. Tours require minimum 4 guests to operate. Guests need to buy ABC zone ticket **

Ages 13+ Price includes entrance, donations for guides are suggested


Explore the profound lessons of history with our “Never Again” tour at the Sachsenhausen Memorial of the concentration camp. Delve into the haunting exhibitions, from Tower A to Station Z, witnessing the stark reality of the prisoners’ lives. Beyond the physical remnants, our tour unveils the roots of the Holocaust, examining preceding German crimes in colonies, dehumanisation, indoctrination and more… This poignant journey draws striking parallels to current events, underscoring the urgent need for collective remembrance and the crucial lessons humanity must heed to ensure “Never Again.”


Our walk from the train station leads us to the visitors’ center, where detailed models of the camp elucidate the physical structures designed for control and the perpetuation of superiority over prisoners. Uncover the unsettling transformation of the former SS training camp into today’s Brandenburg police academy, a stark reminder of the site’s dark history.

Delve into the heart of the SS troop camp and the head of the camp’s house, where officers callously enjoyed family time amidst prisoners’ suffering. Explore the grim reality of sex work by female prisoners, punctuated by the frequent visits of reporters, ambassadors, and humanitarian organizations, raising the haunting question, “Who knew?”

Tower A beckons with its chilling “Perpetrators’ Room” exhibition, showcasing the indoctrination of the SS and portraits of officers revealing the power of their brainwashing. Witness the reign of terror they enjoyed, the daily roll calls, and the exploitative shoe testing track for the “lowest” categories of prisoners, exposing how the Nazis profited from the prisoners’ agony and labor.

Embark on an autonomous exploration of the prisoners’ barracks and the camp kitchen, where Neo-nazis denying the Holocaust have launched attacks. Uncover connections to the present, including the rise of the AfD, a German far-right group.

Station Z awaits, narrating the mass murder of Soviet prisoners, including child soldiers, and detailing the operation of the gas chambers and crematorium that witnessed unspeakable atrocities.

Finally, the infirmary unveils the depths of racism, control over women’s bodies, eugenics, and the unsettling truth of prisoners treated as lab rats for the career advancement of Nazi doctors. This profound journey challenges us to confront the past, understand the present, and strive for a future that rejects the atrocities of history.