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Nottingham’s Free tour


Between red brick buildings, canals and Pubs, the English city of Nottingham reveals its most interesting descriptions, from literary notes to the history of football, and without forgetting of course its most famous character, Robin Hood

Can You Handle It Tours (CYHIT) invites you to embark with your guide on this wonderful adventure to explore the fun facts about Nottingham, of course in an alternative and entertaining way!

Learn and have fun all at the same time? Yes, that’s the only way! Our mission, if you choose to except it, is exploring the highlights of Nottingham without laughing once! Our Free Walking Tour (Yes, they are free !!) takes you back in time and remind you all the fun and madness that went on back in the day!

For more information check our website and also find out more activities in different cities in Europe!

a statue of a man

Nottingham’s superhero